Production Saw Cutting
A.E.D. offers production saw cutting on 5 precision machines:
3 Precision Cold Saws:
Brobo 5350D
Haberle H-300
Kalamazoo FS350A
2 Precision Band Saws:
KMT 350A
Hem Saw Sidewinder
- Increase your yield, minimal drop. We provide a superior cut quality.
- Special packaging and handling available. Deburring, cleaning, identification capabilities
- Your materials or ours.
- Steel, Aluminum, Stainless, Alloys.
- Quick Turnaround
Contact A.E.D. and discuss your saw cutting needs and pricing!

BROBO 5350D (manual operation)
Cold Saw Capabilities
- 4.5" Round
- 4.5" Square
- Miter cuts 0 to 45 degrees.
Capable of cut tolerances to (+/- .010") .500" to 17"
(+/- .015") 17" to 36"

Band Saw Capabilities
- 12" Round
- 10.2" x 14" Rectangle
- Minimum .375" cut
- Miter cuts to 60 degrees.
Capable of cut tolerances of (+ / - .015")

KMT 350A BAND SAW (fully automatic)
Band Saw Capabilities
- 11" Round
- 10.5" Square
- Minimum .375" cut
Capable of cut tolerances of (+ / - .005")
KMT 350A

HABERLE H-300 (manual operation)
Cold Saw Capabilities
- 3.75" Round
- 3.50" Square
- Miter cuts 0 to 45 degrees.
Capable of cut tolerances to (+/- .010") .500" to 17"
(+/- .015") 17" to 36"
36" plus as needed

KALAMAZOO FS350A (fully automatic)
Cold Saw Capabilities
- 3.75" Round
- 3.50" Square
- Miter cuts 0 to 45 degrees.
Capable of cut tolerances to (+/- .005") ¼" to 17"
(+/- .015") 17" to 36"
36" plus as needed